Partner i Visit Sørlandet, Troll Aktiv, arrangerer førstehjelpskurs med spesielt fokus på villmarksliv/friluftsliv. Kurset er en del av Adventure-nettverkets fokus på kvalitet/HMS/sikkerhet – men er åpent for alle.
This course focus’ on good basic life support techniques as well as environmental issues that arise in the wilderness. The class is mostly hands-on skills with the use of scenarios and labs. Examples of some of the skills learned and practised are: improvised splinting, wound cleaning, spine injury assessment and clearing protocols, heat and cold issues, near drowning, allergies, asthma and other common medical problems.
This course includes CPR certification and meets or exceeds the minimum requirement for most CPR/First Aid training needs.
Instructor: Simon Hansen
Pris inkluderer kursavgifter og sertifisering (Internasjonal standard). Overnatting/mat kommer i tillegg hvis ønskelig.
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