I høst hadde vi en intern gjennomgang av tall og innsikt fra booking.com på bookingstrender relatert til ferie på Sørlandet. Før en ny hovedsesong vil de gjerne oppdatere oss og dere på den nyeste innsikten de sitter på rundt bookingstrender framover. Dette er materiale som ikke er så lett tilgjengelig andre steder, så her anbefaler vi deg å sikre deg en plass!
Webinaret vil foregå på engelsk, og det vil bli god anledning til å stille spørsmål på slutten. NB: Webinaret vil kun foregå live, og det vil ikke bli delt opptak i etterkant pga strenge firmaretningslinjer.
Deltakerlisten vil bli delt med foredragsholderne, med mindre du gir oss beskjed om at du ikke ønsker dette.
Booking.com is an Online Travel Agency and has grown from a small Dutch startup to one of the world’s leading digital travel companies. Their mission is to make it easier for everyone to experience the world. The company has a local approach and presence in each country, providing tailored advice, and they have a local office in the heart of Oslo with five Account Managers supporting our Norwegian partners.
Puck Schaaphok – Senior Account Manager
Puck Schaaphok works as a Senior Account Manager in the local office and is responsible for the partner services team in Norway. Working for over 5 years at Booking.com in several countries, she breathes the company culture and is dedicated to putting Norway and its unlimited travel opportunities on the map.
Erin Davitt – Account Manager Agder, Rogaland, Nordland
Erin Davitt is working in the team as an Account Manager responsible for Agder, Rogaland & Nordland and has been with the company for just over a year.
In the upcoming webinar we will touch upon the following:
- Booking.com company overview
- Insights on travel nowadays; both external and internal data
- What trends do we see in Sørlandet?
- What’s next? Recommendations on capturing returning demand